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Image of Louise Pitre smiling


I'm Louise Pitre.

As a leadership coach, I centre equity, curiosity, authenticity and leading from the heart in all that I do. The heartbeat of my work is power, leadership, systems change, and theatre.

Ever since I stepped into my first formal position of authority more than two decades ago, I’ve been dancing with power. Sometimes it’s a fiery tango or a graceful waltz, maybe a fun jive or even an impromptu jazz dance. Every new dance step is a discovery about my relationship to power, how I use power, and how power influences my leadership effectiveness.

After 25 years as a leader in the non-profit world, I realized how focused we are on social justice missions that are meant to create equity and justice out there. But through my leadership experience, I learned we can’t get to equity and justice out there unless we, as leaders, are willing to look inward. Change starts with us.

My Values

An equity-centred lens

I prioritize inclusive and intentional processes that centre equitable outcomes – to do what’s right, even when it comes with risks.

A state of constant curiosity

I approach each problem and project as an opportunity – and I don’t rely on traditional methods. There are always new ways to achieve meaningful results.

With heart and authenticity

I’m open and vulnerable to doing the hard work. I speak and lead from the heart, to connect to a deeper purpose.

Open and collaborative space

I foster environments where all feel welcome, comfortable and have a voice in the room. The associates I partner with bring a range of perspectives to our discussions and planning.

How I can help you make a shift

I centre equity, curiosity, authenticity and leading from the heart in everything I do. The heartbeat of my work is power, leadership, systems change and theatre.

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Inner Shifts

I work with leaders and changemakers ready to engage in their inner work to create the behaviour and mindset shifts needed in their leadership and use of power.

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Culture Shifts

I partner with teams and organizations committed to creating a shift in culture, one that leads to how teams and organizations do power.

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System Shifts

I journey with cross-sectoral collaboratives engaged in creating deep, sustainable system shifts to re-centre and redistribute power.

Theatre Époché

Theatre can be a transformative power to support social change.

How it works

Whether it’s playing games, sculpting shapes with our bodies, creating a forum theatre or engaging in non-verbal duet practice, theatre opens us to a deeper, more intuitive wisdom from which we can create a new reality.

Why I use theatre

In my leadership work, I use theatre as a doorway to explore and access embodied wisdom, awakening bone-deep knowing and group consciousness from which internal shifts can lead to larger systemic shifts. Theatre supports awareness-based systems change and activates collective intelligence and creativity in communities.

Theatre in action

The word “époché” weaves together so much of what I believe is needed at this time in our history: to be in community, to see the system, to make meaning together of what we see, to let go so we can let in, and to co-create together.

“There is something really powerful about using theatre and movement to surface the stories of life that can guide how we act in the world as individuals and as a community.”

Margaret Macpherson
Research Associate, Centre for Research and Education to End Violence Against Women and Children